Doodle #1

Below are three papers and projects that I did during my time at Columbia Theological Seminary. They include writing a complete Sunday Service Liturgy with annotation, creating a Christan Education Lesson Plan with the Lesson Plan Rationale, and an Ethics paper about how to use the practice of nonviolence to address an issue.


Sunday Service Liturgy

For the final project in class, P643 – Writers’ Workshop: Words for Worship, taught by Dr. Kimberly Bracken Long, I had to pick a Sunday and write the entire liturgy for that service with annotation. The chosen Sunday was Pentecost.

Myron Krys Sunday Order of Service (PDF)

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Christian Education Lesson Plan

For P501 Introduction to Christian Education Theory and Practice, taught by Dr. Kathy Dawson, we had to create a solo lesson plan. Each student had to prepare a lesson plan for use in a particular teaching setting in a congregation or agency. The title of this lesson plan is “Image of God,” and invites the participants to engage critically and internalize what it means to be the image of God. Also attached is the rationale for this lesson plan.

P501 Florence Independent Bible Study (PDF)

Florence Independent Rationale (PDF)

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Doodle #2

Ethics Paper

This paper originated in HD567 History and Practice of Nonviolence, taught by Dr. Marcia Riggs. The condensed instructions for the paper are as follows:

To have students reflect upon the practice of nonviolence to address an issue of conflict in church life, national life, or the global community.

  1. Select a specific issue.
  2. Analyze the issue: its origins–sources and dynamics of the conflict, the parties involved in the conflict/violence, values, religious beliefs, economic and/or political factors. How and why has this issue become violent? What’s at stake, and for whom? What are the power dynamics of the conflict/violence?
  3. Write a socio- religious ethical reflection of the issue in which you make a normative proposal about how to understand the issue through the concept of nonviolence and/or the use nonviolence to address the issue.

This is a case study which seeks to critically look at all the ramifications about the, then recent United Methodist Church (UMC) debate about ordaining “self-avowed practicing homosexuals.”

UMC Case Study (PDF)


Ghana Exploration

During the Summer of 2017, I had to go on an Missional / Theological Pilgrimage to Ghana. My objectives were:

  • To better understand Ghanaian spirituality
  • To experience the interfaith engagment of Christians and Muslims in Ghana
  • To explore how the Ghanaian church is engaging in the social gospel
  • To experience a slave castle and engage the roots of slavery
  • To critically engage how the above shapes my theology

Below is an extended reflection paper about my experience there.

Ghana Reflection Paper (PDF)

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